Zac Garland

2015 Founder Bears Go Bald 2016 B.S. Finance, Management Northern Colorado 2018 Consultant, Quant FactSet 2019 Developer, Analyst R Equity Research Engineer, Data Science Mastercard - Economics


analytics applications (shiny)
html presentations (html, css, js)
R packages (R,Rstudio)


factor models (alpha & risk)
quant portfolio management
active investor

Data Scientist

machine learning
statistical modeling
data visualization

Hi, I'm Zac!

a self taught developer, investor, and data scientist.

Professionally, I'm a data scientist @ Mastercard. i'm part of their economics institute & mainly focus on data science & web development. previously, I was a consultant at FactSet where I worked with investment managers on their quant workflows.

Outside of work, I'm a mountain man. I live in Evergreen, Colorado & can usually be found with my pup (winston) up a mountain, woodworking, or coding. I have a degree in finance & led a few non-profits during college. the most successful endeavor, bears go bald, raised over $60,000 for children's cancer research.

a sample of my work can be found here. feel free to contact me about equity research, data science, or future opportunities.